About Prema Kriya Yoga
The Prema Kriya Yoga project was born with the intention of transmitting the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and all the Masters of Kriya Yoga.
About the Project
The Prema Kriya Yoga project was born with the intention of transmitting the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and all the Masters of Kriya Yoga.
We do this through classical yoga practices: Prema Kundalini, Hatha Yoga Flow, Pranayama, energization exercises, kirtan chanting, group meditations, and Satsang.
All for total well-being, harmony, and complete health, and to prepare our body and mind for a natural and spontaneous spiritual awakening.
We offer yoga deepening courses, ceremonies, initiations into Yogananda's Kriya Yoga, teacher trainings, spiritual retreats, and private classes.

Prema Kriya Yoga aims to be a reference point for those who want to approach, know, and delve deeply into the true meaning of the True Self.
Raquel Fischer Barros (spiritual name: Bhavani) began practicing Tai Chi Chuan (in Rio de Janeiro, where she was born) at the age of 7. She chose this discipline without really knowing what it was, as if she already had this calling to spirituality within her. At the age of 8, she started studying and practicing classical ballet (www.facebook.com/pg/redencaoballet/) and later, also contemporary dance, until she was 20 years old – this art was also a great help in self-discovery and expression of the Creative Self.
At the age of 18, she lost her father, and from that moment, a conscious process of inner and spiritual seeking began with greater strength. She found in yoga and meditation deep healing tools for the soul, above all, but also for the body and mind. Her first experience with yoga happened in the year 2000 with a wonderful guide, Vera Cosmelli, in Satyananda Yoga; Porto Alegre, Brazil (www.poneshiyoga.wordpress.com).
Her exploration of this sacred science continued in the United States with some trips, mainly in California and New York.
From 2004 to 2006, she first certified by completing the “Yoga Teacher Training – Teacher Training Course in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan” in Montreal, Canada, at the “Yoga and Meditation Institute” with Shabad Saroop Singh Khalsa. She also participated, during the same period, in several deepening courses and workshops with Guru Dev and “Kirtan” with Snatam Kaur, all direct students of Yogi Bhajan, the Master who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West. During these years, a process of immense purification and spiritual awakening began with greater intensity. In this period, sadhana – or yogic and meditative practice – became part of daily routine. And the search continues…
In 2007, she traveled to Italy (a change made mostly out of love and with love), where her yogic experience continued with classical Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Vinyasa, collaborating in various yoga academies and schools with different experienced teachers and masters.
In 2008, she completed the “Child Play Yoga Teacher Training” with Shakta Kaur Khalsa. And in the same year, she received the certificate as a Reiki II therapist, according to the tradition of the original Japanese teaching “Komyo Reiki”.
Divine Love, our beloved Master Paramahansa Yogananda is considered a ‘premavatar’ or “incarnation of Divine Love”.
Action or ritual of purification: all daily meditative actions that purify the body, mind, psyche, and energy, allowing our True and Divine Nature to shine.
Surrender and Union of the ‘small self’ (ego) with and ‘in’ the Supreme Self – or True Divine Self (Soul).
Prema Kriya Yoga
Divine Union through rituals of purification, devotion, and Pure Unconditional Love.