Prema Kriya Yoga - ligacao entre yoga e felicidade

Connection between Yoga and Happiness

When we talk about the meaning of yoga which means “union” or, actually, to realize our unity with the Great Creator within and, consequently, with all the creation… what does that mean, exactly…?

What I can say, based on the yoga philosophy, Yogananda’s teachings and from my direct experience is: this connection and tuning in that happens, specially through yoga and meditation practices, is everything that we have always been looking for. The process of cleaning the body and the mind and remembering our deeper Truth Self is what fulfills us. Many times when we forget our true nature, we are identified with the outer bodies and personality, and that “not knowing” called “avidya” in yoga philosophy, causes us pain and suffering.

Even when people say that they are not interested in spirituality… What I perceive is that there is a mistake thinking that we can find the meaning of life and true happiness only from external accomplishments… It gets to a point in life when every soul begins to reach for their own Truth Selves… and that’s when spirituality is needed. From my humble experience, one of the most wonderful scientific paths to this Self-Realization, is “Yoga”. 

The healthier body/mind, the happiness, the freedom and the peacefulness that we can realize through the yoga practice doesn’t stop there, of course… It also blossoms on our life choices, words, thoughts and behaviors. Yoga then becomes not only a practice on the mat or on the cushion, but in every and each aspect of life. That happens naturally to each yoga practitioner, sooner or later, if the practice is done with full concentration and dedication, constantly and for a long period of time… Actually, at different levels, the “practices side-effects” could be felt from the beginning.

When we start the journey of Self-realization through yoga, we begin to get more flexible and strong, physically and mentally, from “hatha yoga”; we start to get more powerful and energetic through “kundalini yoga” and more intuitive, peaceful and insightful, from “kriya yoga meditation”: our thoughts and actions begin to be aligned with our deeper Self, That is connected to all… 

So, the sadhaka (the one who practices yoga) starts to realize from an inner experience, knowing in each cell that “the other is you”, for example… And that “others” are people, animals, nature and all creation…So, we realize that we can’t be happy and at the same time be violent or don’t consider other lives and beings… Actually, that seems kind of obvious, right? But, if we observe how the world works and how most styles of life are, we might  realize it is not as obvious as it seems…

Yoga, in its deepest meaning, is to realize our true Self and that already makes us feel happier and more at peace … But then, there is a life outside to be lived, right? 

So, what could make us happier, besides the inner experience within that is actually the essence of this process, and that leads us to some life changes and a happier life?

From my little inner experience (there is still so much to learn…), these are a few points that we can practice in our lives for happiness and yogic lifestyle: 

1. Remember that we are all unique beings and in our deepest Self we do have something to “give” to the world… The world will be a little bit of a better place when we creatively expand our natural talents… We get happier when we do what we really love and feel from our heart; expressing fully our true Divine nature. Yogananda says: “You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.”

2. We could also ask ourselves: what can I do to help others and nature? When we are generous and consider others, that makes us happier too… Maybe we could plant some of our food or, at least, consume more consciously buying in the farmer market and helping local producers? Maybe we could decide one day to clean the beaches or to plant a tree? Maybe we could  live more simply and with less “wants”? Could we recycle and be more careful with plastic use? Could we not eat animals and use less and less products with animal origin? Or maybe we could even feel more grateful for being alive and smile at our neighbors? What about forgiving and loving always more and more…? Can we?  These are all things that we could try, little by little to actually do it and live lighter and happier.  

3. Finally, we also could be careful about our daily routine… Why not decide to have a more harmonious routine? For example: we could balance the hours of resting and working, eat healthier, exercise everyday, get a little bit of sun everyday and take time out in nature … We may ask ourselves: when we wake up… what is the first thing we do? Maybe, besides the hygienic bathroom routine like brushing the teeth and washing ourselves or emptying our intestines, could we also clean our inner bodies and minds with some breath work, mantras, affirmations, yoga and meditation? why not?… Maybe we could also learn to say “no” to a few bad habits like junk food or watching the phone as the first thing we do in the day, and the last… 

Anyway… the list could go on… A happier and more Self-realized life is possible, but it also depends on ourselves… Do we really want to?

Here are a few quotes from Master Yogananda about happiness

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.”

“Happiness blooms naturally in the hearts of those who are inwardly free. It flows spontaneously, like a mountain spring after April showers, in minds that are contented with simple living.”

“Happiness comes, not by helplessly wishing for it, but by dreaming, thinking and living it in all circumstances.”

“Learn to be secretly happy within your heart in spite of all circumstances, and say to yourself: Happiness is the greatest Divine birthright – the buried treasure of my Soul.”

Do you want to get deeper into these teachings about Self- Realization, Happiness and know more about yoga philosophy, kriya yoga and meditation ?

I have prepared a wonderful course for you…

Prema Kriya Yoga online course 

“Kriya Yoga – awakening in the Light”

I await you with joy on this journey of self-knowledge and rediscovery of the inner self! 

It will be a unique, luminous and transforming experience; revealing our Divine creativity, the true purpose of life and penetrating the depths of the soul. 

During this introspective journey, we will study the philosophy and spiritual path of kriya yoga and together we will practice meditations, prayers and energy recharging exercises, as taught by the great spiritual Master Paramahansa Yogananda.

If you are also interested in our online lessons, retreats, teacher training courses and all our activities, please visit our website

Love and Light,
Jay Guru Jay
Jay Ma
Raquel Bhavani

“Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.” Yogananda 

PREMA KRIYA YOGA - destaque posts

Where are we from?

People often ask me: “where are you from?”.

This has become a long question to answer…: “Where am I from?” , I ask myself for a few moments… I almost always say something like this: “I was born in Brazil but I have lived in many places such as the United States and Canada and for 9 years in Milan, Italy. Today I live in Tenerife.” Perhaps this is the most rational and objective answer and, on some level, answers the question.  However, I always have a certain feeling of not having answered completely.

Master Yogananda’s phrase comes to me spontaneously:

“The soul cannot be confined within man-made boundaries. His nationality is Spirit. His country is Omnipresence.”

The truth is that even if we have roots and an original place of birth of these bodies, with our blood families – which are certainly important and have a great mark in our hearts – ; I feel deep in my Self that the families and countries we call “home” can be more than one… For me, there are certainly many; each with its own teaching and value.

Some places, in particular, perhaps even more special… Italy will always be my family… Brazil too… India, is another mother for me… And I could continue…

Everywhere I go, even if physically far away, I am always, at the same time, in some way, there too. Some very specific places, like the Amazon for example…

A strong bond is created (or recreated), which is infinite: and which nothing or no one will ever be able to break it.

When some place, people and beings “feel like home”, this goes beyond time and space… And so we can go for a long time without seeing or hearing each other; at the same time, the union is always perceived.

Going even deeper: I can say that I feel at home everywhere, because I know that “home” is not a physical place, but a state of consciousness of being free in the soul, in Its expressiveness, creativity and intuition. I know that when we are in the Dharma, in our authentic life mission, nothing is strange and it is always, even in the contradictory ups and downs of life, an ever new joy (Ananda)…

I have been learning and am inspired every day by an incredible phrase by Master Yogananda that says:
“With the practice of meditation you will discover that you have a portable paradise in your heart.”  And this is what I want to do more and more about, that’s what I want to talk about, what I want to transmit to you through practices and life.

With love, prema
Raquel Bhavani