Namaste, dear friends,
I hope you are well, at peace and that this beginning of 2025 is giving you so much awareness and healthy transformations in the ever brighter discovery of your beautiful Self that you are and that we are.
Who knows, maybe you are reading me precisely to inspire and encourage you to delve deeper into and/or get back into yoga… I’m here for you…
I plan to see you soon: at the end of March I will arrive in Italy for a week and share about the yoga teachings that have accompanied me with ever greater depth, now for 25 years of this existence…
In particular, I want to make you a special invitation to a magical retreat that I am organizing together with my beloved “yoghina” and sister Alessandra Turci from Diano Green, in Liguria, in Diano San Pietro.
For those who don’t know yet, this is the website of his beautiful and welcoming place where we will be hosted:
The “Satya, the Way of Truth” retreat will be from April 4th to 6th.
The intent, as always, is for these to be days of in-depth yoga practices and meditation; and, at the same time, that it is a regenerating and relaxing weekend of physical and above all mental/energetic detoxification, to cleanse ourselves of the continuous negative thoughts that block our life force.
When we practice yoga and meditation intensely and in a group for a few days, we enter into a naturally higher vibration and connect more fluidly into our True Self. Even more so in the intimacy of a group of up to 7 participants, allowing us to give you very particular attention to each one.
Surely the great gurus of yoga teach us to bring meditation, yoga practice and spiritual inner harmony wherever we go and in every aspect of life; but it is also true that they advise us and have always advised us to withdraw completely from our daily lives every now and then to immerse ourselves with greater intensity in the silence of our heart and in the healing vibration of nature – even better if together with other souls on the spiritual yoga path and in such an enchanted space as Diano Green is.
To be reborn in spring we have chosen a very important topic in the philosophy of yoga: “Satya: or Truth”.
In one of the most important yoga texts, “The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali”, in chapter 2, verse 36, the author reads:
“Satya-pratiṣṭḥāyām kriyā-phalāśhrayatvam” which means: “When the Yogi is established in satya, or truth, honesty, he or she obtains the fruit of his actions without effort.”
When we are sincere, honest, open-hearted, spontaneous, transparent, with nothing to hide, without fears, relaxed and authentic, consequently Divine Creativity rises through us and this is the most beautiful gift we can give to ourselves, to others and to the world – it’s a bit like being children again – and everything comes with greater fluidity.
Warning: it is important to clarify that “open-hearted and spontaneous” does not mean “impulsive” or “reckless”!!!
“Satya”, or Truth, always comes together with discernment, with “ahimsa” or non-violence and with “saucha”, or purification, in this case also of our words and thoughts: let’s remember that enlightened sages are a bit like small children, but with experience and profound wisdom – this is the harmony we want and which reflects our True Nature.
“Satya” is an important topic in our evolving era where the light is increasingly dazzling, awakening every dark corner of our existence… It is essential to know and accept our own shadows and our subconscious traumas and beliefs, since only by looking at them with loving eyes, will we also be able to transform them and move further towards an ever truer version of ourselves (and, consequently, of the world).
Besides, nowadays it has become difficult to know what is true and what is not, right? With social networks and artificial intelligence, for example, everything has become possible and possibly false. But, behind the masks and filters… what is there?
Do we have the courage to open ourselves to the truth, beyond the veils of the illusion of “maya”?
Here is our invitation for this weekend of yoga practices, meditations, mantra chanting, sharing, delicious and healthy food, nature walks, sea air, silence, elevating vibrations, awareness, friendship and Divine love in the Truest Truth. I am sure that you will leave this meeting with a renewed vision of Life itself.
Are you coming with us? Places are very limited!!!
Here is the link to find out more…
or write to me privately on whatsapp +34 658213100
Here are other possible meetings in Italy:
– Sunday 30/03 from 9.30 – 13.30 I will be there with my beloved yogine sister Marta Sclafani in her beautiful yoga center in San Donato ( for an in-depth workshop on Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga:
“Kriya Yoga Darshan: inner vision”. There are still a few free places… Here is all the info:
To book, write an email directly to Marta:
I will also be, for two days, with the dearest and brightest student Rosanna who hosts us every year with such generosity in her residence:
“La Casa di Alice” in Via Fiamma 40, Piazza Risorgimento, Milan.
– Monday 31/03 from 6.30pm – 8.00pm – Kundalini Yoga and meditation with a series for relaxation and to remove all tension and negativity.
E – Wednesday 02/04 from 7.00pm – 8.30pm – Hatha Yoga Flow for physical and mental vitality and short final meditation.
To book these 2 practices, write to me privately. Places are limited, maximum 10 participants.
If you want to come to the zoom or recorded online practices, which I offer throughout the year, look at the info here and write to me privately.
I also invite you to join my WhatsApp group where I send you weekly inspirations together with meditations and podcasts on Spotify with insights into yoga and spirituality in everyday life. These services are free to offer. My whastapp + 34 658213100 and my Spotify in English is
A hug with love, Prema
Raquel Bhavani
Inspiration from Master Yogananda to reflect on and to live by…
“Change your way of thinking if you want to change your circumstances. Since only you are responsible for your thoughts, you alone can change them. You will want to do this when you realize that each thought produces effects in accordance with its nature. Remember that this law is always in operation and that you reflect your usual way of thinking. So, begin from this moment to cultivate only those thoughts that will bring you health and happiness.”
“If you don’t decide to be happy, no one will be able to make you happy. Don’t blame God for this! But if you decide to be happy, no one can make you unhappy. If the Lord had not given us the ability to use free will, we might blame Him when we are unhappy, but He has given us this ability. We are the ones who make life what it is.”