PREMA KRIYA YOGA - Retreats 2025 - Satya - cover

Retreat “Satya, the Way of Truth” (April 4th to 6th, 2025)

Namaste, dear friends, 

I hope you are well, at peace and that this beginning of 2025 is giving you so much awareness and healthy transformations in the ever brighter discovery of your beautiful Self that you are and that we are. 

Who knows, maybe you are reading me precisely to inspire and encourage you to delve deeper into and/or get back into yoga… I’m here for you…

I plan to see you soon: at the end of March I will arrive in Italy for a week and share about the yoga teachings that have accompanied me with ever greater depth, now for 25 years of this existence…  

In particular, I want to make you a special invitation to a magical retreat that I am organizing together with my beloved “yoghina” and sister Alessandra Turci from Diano Green, in Liguria, in Diano San Pietro.  

For those who don’t know yet, this is the website of his beautiful and welcoming place where we will be hosted: 

The intent, as always, is for these to be days of in-depth yoga practices and meditation; and, at the same time, that it is a regenerating and relaxing weekend of physical and above all mental/energetic detoxification, to cleanse ourselves of the continuous negative thoughts that block our life force.  

When we practice yoga and meditation intensely and in a group for a few days, we enter into a naturally higher vibration and connect more fluidly into our True Self. Even more so in the intimacy of a group of up to 7 participants, allowing us to give you very particular attention to each one. 

Surely the great gurus of yoga teach us to bring meditation, yoga practice and spiritual inner harmony wherever we go and in every aspect of life; but it is also true that they advise us and have always advised us to withdraw completely from our daily lives every now and then to immerse ourselves with greater intensity in the silence of our heart and in the healing vibration of nature – even better if together with other souls on the spiritual yoga path and in such an enchanted space as Diano Green is. 

To be reborn in spring we have chosen a very important topic in the philosophy of yoga: “Satya: or Truth”.

In one of the most important yoga texts, “The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali”, in chapter 2, verse 36, the author reads:

Satya-pratiṣṭḥāyām kriyā-phalāśhrayatvam” which means: “When the Yogi is established in satya, or truth, honesty, he or she obtains the fruit of his actions without effort.”

When we are sincere, honest, open-hearted, spontaneous, transparent, with nothing to hide, without fears, relaxed and authentic, consequently Divine Creativity rises through us and this is the most beautiful gift we can give to ourselves, to others and to the world – it’s a bit like being children again – and everything comes with greater fluidity. 

Warning: it is important to clarify that “open-hearted and spontaneous” does not mean “impulsive” or “reckless”!!!

 “Satya”, or Truth, always comes together with discernment, with “ahimsa” or non-violence and with “saucha”, or purification, in this case also of our words and thoughts: let’s remember that enlightened sages are a bit like small children, but with experience and profound wisdom – this is the harmony we want and which reflects our True Nature.

“Satya” is an important topic in our evolving era where the light is increasingly dazzling, awakening every dark corner of our existence… It is essential to know and accept our own shadows and our subconscious traumas and beliefs, since only by looking at them with loving eyes, will we also be able to transform them and move further towards an ever truer version of ourselves (and, consequently, of the world).

Besides, nowadays it has become difficult to know what is true and what is not, right? With social networks and artificial intelligence, for example, everything has become possible and possibly false. But, behind the masks and filters… what is there? 

Do we have the courage to open ourselves to the truth, beyond the veils of the illusion of “maya”?

Here is our invitation for this weekend of yoga practices, meditations, mantra chanting, sharing, delicious and healthy food, nature walks, sea air, silence, elevating vibrations, awareness, friendship and Divine love in the Truest Truth. I am sure that you will leave this meeting with a renewed vision of Life itself.

Are you coming with us? Places are very limited!!!

Here is the link to find out more… 

or write to me privately on whatsapp +34 658213100 

Here are other possible meetings in Italy:

– Sunday 30/03 from 9.30 – 13.30 I will be there with my beloved yogine sister Marta Sclafani in her beautiful yoga center in San Donato ( for an in-depth workshop on Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga: 

“Kriya Yoga Darshan: inner vision”. There are still a few free places… Here is all the info:

To book, write an email directly to Marta:

I will also be, for two days, with the dearest and brightest student Rosanna who hosts us every year with such generosity in her residence:

 “La Casa di Alice” in Via Fiamma 40, Piazza Risorgimento, Milan. 

– Monday 31/03 from 6.30pm – 8.00pm – Kundalini Yoga and meditation with a series for relaxation and to remove all tension and negativity. 

E – Wednesday 02/04 from 7.00pm – 8.30pm – Hatha Yoga Flow for physical and mental vitality and short final meditation. 

To book these 2 practices, write to me privately. Places are limited, maximum 10 participants. 

If you want to come to the zoom or recorded online practices, which I offer throughout the year, look at the info here and write to me privately.

I also invite you to join my WhatsApp group where I send you weekly inspirations together with meditations and podcasts on Spotify with insights into yoga and spirituality in everyday life. These services are free to offer. My whastapp + 34 658213100 and my Spotify in English is

A hug with love, Prema 

Raquel Bhavani

Inspiration from Master Yogananda to reflect on and to live by…

“Change your way of thinking if you want to change your circumstances. Since only you are responsible for your thoughts, you alone can change them. You will want to do this when you realize that each thought produces effects in accordance with its nature. Remember that this law is always in operation and that you reflect your usual way of thinking. So, begin from this moment to cultivate only those thoughts that will bring you health and happiness.”

“If you don’t decide to be happy, no one will be able to make you happy. Don’t blame God for this! But if you decide to be happy, no one can make you unhappy. If the Lord had not given us the ability to use free will, we might blame Him when we are unhappy, but He has given us this ability. We are the ones who make life what it is.”

Prema Kriya Yoga - ligacao entre yoga e felicidade

Connection between Yoga and Happiness

When we talk about the meaning of yoga which means “union” or, actually, to realize our unity with the Great Creator within and, consequently, with all the creation… what does that mean, exactly…?

What I can say, based on the yoga philosophy, Yogananda’s teachings and from my direct experience is: this connection and tuning in that happens, specially through yoga and meditation practices, is everything that we have always been looking for. The process of cleaning the body and the mind and remembering our deeper Truth Self is what fulfills us. Many times when we forget our true nature, we are identified with the outer bodies and personality, and that “not knowing” called “avidya” in yoga philosophy, causes us pain and suffering.

Even when people say that they are not interested in spirituality… What I perceive is that there is a mistake thinking that we can find the meaning of life and true happiness only from external accomplishments… It gets to a point in life when every soul begins to reach for their own Truth Selves… and that’s when spirituality is needed. From my humble experience, one of the most wonderful scientific paths to this Self-Realization, is “Yoga”. 

The healthier body/mind, the happiness, the freedom and the peacefulness that we can realize through the yoga practice doesn’t stop there, of course… It also blossoms on our life choices, words, thoughts and behaviors. Yoga then becomes not only a practice on the mat or on the cushion, but in every and each aspect of life. That happens naturally to each yoga practitioner, sooner or later, if the practice is done with full concentration and dedication, constantly and for a long period of time… Actually, at different levels, the “practices side-effects” could be felt from the beginning.

When we start the journey of Self-realization through yoga, we begin to get more flexible and strong, physically and mentally, from “hatha yoga”; we start to get more powerful and energetic through “kundalini yoga” and more intuitive, peaceful and insightful, from “kriya yoga meditation”: our thoughts and actions begin to be aligned with our deeper Self, That is connected to all… 

So, the sadhaka (the one who practices yoga) starts to realize from an inner experience, knowing in each cell that “the other is you”, for example… And that “others” are people, animals, nature and all creation…So, we realize that we can’t be happy and at the same time be violent or don’t consider other lives and beings… Actually, that seems kind of obvious, right? But, if we observe how the world works and how most styles of life are, we might  realize it is not as obvious as it seems…

Yoga, in its deepest meaning, is to realize our true Self and that already makes us feel happier and more at peace … But then, there is a life outside to be lived, right? 

So, what could make us happier, besides the inner experience within that is actually the essence of this process, and that leads us to some life changes and a happier life?

From my little inner experience (there is still so much to learn…), these are a few points that we can practice in our lives for happiness and yogic lifestyle: 

1. Remember that we are all unique beings and in our deepest Self we do have something to “give” to the world… The world will be a little bit of a better place when we creatively expand our natural talents… We get happier when we do what we really love and feel from our heart; expressing fully our true Divine nature. Yogananda says: “You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.”

2. We could also ask ourselves: what can I do to help others and nature? When we are generous and consider others, that makes us happier too… Maybe we could plant some of our food or, at least, consume more consciously buying in the farmer market and helping local producers? Maybe we could decide one day to clean the beaches or to plant a tree? Maybe we could  live more simply and with less “wants”? Could we recycle and be more careful with plastic use? Could we not eat animals and use less and less products with animal origin? Or maybe we could even feel more grateful for being alive and smile at our neighbors? What about forgiving and loving always more and more…? Can we?  These are all things that we could try, little by little to actually do it and live lighter and happier.  

3. Finally, we also could be careful about our daily routine… Why not decide to have a more harmonious routine? For example: we could balance the hours of resting and working, eat healthier, exercise everyday, get a little bit of sun everyday and take time out in nature … We may ask ourselves: when we wake up… what is the first thing we do? Maybe, besides the hygienic bathroom routine like brushing the teeth and washing ourselves or emptying our intestines, could we also clean our inner bodies and minds with some breath work, mantras, affirmations, yoga and meditation? why not?… Maybe we could also learn to say “no” to a few bad habits like junk food or watching the phone as the first thing we do in the day, and the last… 

Anyway… the list could go on… A happier and more Self-realized life is possible, but it also depends on ourselves… Do we really want to?

Here are a few quotes from Master Yogananda about happiness

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.”

“Happiness blooms naturally in the hearts of those who are inwardly free. It flows spontaneously, like a mountain spring after April showers, in minds that are contented with simple living.”

“Happiness comes, not by helplessly wishing for it, but by dreaming, thinking and living it in all circumstances.”

“Learn to be secretly happy within your heart in spite of all circumstances, and say to yourself: Happiness is the greatest Divine birthright – the buried treasure of my Soul.”

Do you want to get deeper into these teachings about Self- Realization, Happiness and know more about yoga philosophy, kriya yoga and meditation ?

I have prepared a wonderful course for you…

Prema Kriya Yoga online course 

“Kriya Yoga – awakening in the Light”

I await you with joy on this journey of self-knowledge and rediscovery of the inner self! 

It will be a unique, luminous and transforming experience; revealing our Divine creativity, the true purpose of life and penetrating the depths of the soul. 

During this introspective journey, we will study the philosophy and spiritual path of kriya yoga and together we will practice meditations, prayers and energy recharging exercises, as taught by the great spiritual Master Paramahansa Yogananda.

If you are also interested in our online lessons, retreats, teacher training courses and all our activities, please visit our website

Love and Light,
Jay Guru Jay
Jay Ma
Raquel Bhavani

“Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.” Yogananda 

PREMA - Newsletter dez24

Chi siamo? (Newsletter December 2024)

Namaste, dear friends,

I hope to see you soon to share with even more depth and joy the practices and teachings of yoga, knowing each other more and awakening unconditional love in our hearts.


The essence of yoga teachings is to remember Who we truly and authentically are. This is the big question in yoga: “Who am I?”.

It is not an easy answer or one that comes overnight, usually: it is simple because on the one hand it is what we already are in essence, but it is not easy to truly experience immediately or without a certain discipline, because for a long time we have identified with something else…

One could mistakenly think of being this “person” in this “body” and calm down with this “temporary answer”. But, the true seeker, in the end, is not exactly “quiet”, especially initially: he/she is someone who asks questions, who reflects, who tries, who is not afraid of making mistakes or “falling” and of continuing: once he finds his path, then, he follows it with dedication and determination, more deeply and infinitely in the inner search…

Once you begin to know your body, starting from the asanas (psychophysical postures), practicing with awareness and patience, guided by your breathing; the practitioner can, little by little, feel where there is more or less comfort, and he/she can observe what are the greatest challenges and why are the points of fluidity and/or freedom…

This perception does not only happen on a physical level: the yogi and yogin (those who practice yoga) begin to truly “see” themselves for what they are even on deeper levels: mental, emotional, energetic, until reaching the most subtle level of the soul or heart: the Essence…

In Patanjali’s book of sutras, we read: 1.14: “sa tu dīrgha kāla nairantarya satkārā ‘‘sevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ” meaning: “the practice becomes firmly rooted when it is followed attentively for a long time, without interruption and with deep devotion (satkara)”.

So, starting from this self-knowledge, which grows when practice and meditation are more intense, profound and frequent, as Patanjali says above; then yes, all life is transformed because the “vision” of the sadhaka or yoga practitioner, becomes, little by little, clearer, more present, conscious and transparent. This process, normally, is slow, gradual and even painful: a bit like the story of the caterpillar that becomes a beautiful butterfly…

In my opinion, in the spiritual path, this transformation happens in an even more evident and intense way; we are reborn with a truly incredible frequency: sometimes more slowly, it is true, but also often, at the speed of Light, literally… In a certain sense, reflecting on it even more deeply, we could say that we are reborn continuously, daily, even with every breath…

We also realize that every time some “butterfly” inside us flies free; quickly other “caterpillars” appear with all the need for our attention, acceptance and love.

Thus we develop faith and “Divine surrender” or “Isvara Pranidhana”; with the certainty that the metamorphosis will happen and that everything will clarify again…

The truth is that we are Divine and immortal beings (Purusha); at the same time, we are nature and cyclicity (Prakritti): sometimes we have apparently “still” moments (when something is happening internally); then, the “waves” come and manifest themselves – sometimes small, other times like “tsunamis” – and, after the storm; here is the Light, the expansion, the creation, the Divine revelation and the understanding of why all that movement and necessary pain, previously… and so, it continues, to infinity…

For this reason, in my opinion, in the spiritual path, the most powerful and true teachings are: let’s stay in the presence, in listening, let’s not let ourselves be taken by discouragement and by the less brilliant moments where there are more internal movements than external ones… Let’s let ourselves go and live what is now, this instant… Let’s try to stay “ALIVE”, with all our cells, truly experimenting, with total attention together with surrender to the Divine, every instant: doing our best, and abandoning ourselves to what is; without ever giving up… Let’s continue to act with our heart, both in life and in yoga and meditation practice, taking moments to truly listen, silence, look inside ourselves and accept whatever moment it is: this will help us cultivate patience, calm, expanding our understanding and, consequently, it will change our life, on every corner.

The truth is that most of us do not even realize that we are constantly seeking Ourselves outside of Ourselves… We mistakenly hope to find this happiness (which is self-realization) by putting all our faith in worldly things, external knowledge, fame, money and relationships with others… Yoga and meditation are not practices to “escape” from worldly responsibilities, nor do they speak of repressing the enjoyments of life: yogic practice is integrated into a harmonious, natural, non-violent and purposeful life. At the same time, the spiritual path encourages us to depend more and more on our internal attitudes rather than on external circumstances; as Yogananda beautifully says: “Man’s freedom is final and immediate if he so wills; it does not depend on external but internal victories.”

When you feel sad or discouraged, remember that you are not alone, and above all remember Who you are, in essence through meditation.

I leave here this magnificent inspiration of Master Yogananda that I hope will be helpful in this memory of who you are:

“You are all gods, but you do not know it. The sea of God’s presence is behind the wave of your consciousness. You must search within yourself. Do not concentrate on the little wave of the body with all its weaknesses, look beyond it. Close your eyes and you will see omnipresence around you. You are at the center of this sphere and as soon as you raise your consciousness above the body and its experiences, you realize that the sphere is permeated with infinite joy and bliss that illuminate the stars and give strength to the wind and storms. God is the source of all our joys and of all nature…

Wake up from the darkness of ignorance. You have closed your eyes in the sleep of illusion. Wake up! Open your eyes and you will see the glory of God, the immense horizon of God’s light that spreads over all things. I am advising you to be divinely realistic, and you will find in God the answer to all your questions.”

Happy practices and life, in the continuum of remembrance of the Self…

Raquel Bhavani

If you want to start this inner journey in yoga with me and/or continue to deepen the practices with me:

– Here are some end-of-year opportunities to practice together in solidarity: all the proceeds from these first two events will be donated to “yoga de rua”, an institution that helps street people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Instagram @yogaderua . I will also send part of the donations to abandoned animals: Instagram @protetorespdr and to an animal sanctuary in Brazil, Instagram: @ahimsa.santuariovaledarainha

1. Sunday, 12/15/2024

from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM (Tenerife time) on zoom – Christmas meditation

Zoom link:

Donations can be made directly to me on PayPal email or by bank transfer to Raquel Fischer Barros, Account number and Iban: IT32G 02008 01422 000103840080

2. Tuesday, 24/12, Christmas Eve

9:00 -9:30 – meditation

9:30-11:00 – kundalini yoga practice and final short meditation

(Tenerife time zone)

Zoom link:

Donations can be made directly to me at PayPal email or by bank transfer to Raquel Fischer Barros, Account number and Iban: IT32G 02008 01422 000103840080

Here is a complete in-depth weekend to end this year of 2024 fully energetic, awake and ready for what is coming:

Workshop: kriya yoga, the energetic recharging exercises.

– Saturday and Sunday, December 14th and 15th.

To see the complete program, look below and for more info and booking, contact me on whatsapp +34 658213100 – Raquel Bhavani

Save the dates!

Save the dates: I’ll give you a preview of some dates for 2025…

There are already retreats, workshops and training courses (YTT 250 hours with yoga alliance diploma) scheduled in Italy and Tenerife and online.

In person:

– Sunday, 03/30 I will be in Italy, Milan with a wonderful workshop on kriya yoga from

-On the weekend, from April 4th to 6th , there will be a Retreat in Italy, Liguria at

– from July 5th to 12th – Retreat and 50-hour course in Tenerife, Canary Island

(on this page you can see a bit of this year’s retreat…)


– After some requests, I have created for you a beautiful 20-hour course on kriya yoga:

“Kriya Yoga, awakening in the Light”

– The course will be completely online, with pdf handouts and all the recordings that will remain forever for each participant.

– It will happen one Sunday a month, from 9:00 to 13:00 (Tenerife time zone), with theoretical/philosophical study and meditative practice; from February to June/2025.

– Write to me privately to receive more info, or look on the site where we will soon add this new course.

Prema Kriya Yoga Teacher training 250 hours with yoga alliance diploma – 2025/2026: Online + one week in presence in Tenerife

– For those who really want to fully delve into the path of yoga, meditation by studying and practicing intensely and integrating it fully into everyday life, the next group for the training course that continues every year since 2017; starts in September/2025.

Very soon I will send you more details, but if you are interested and want to register in advance, contact me privately on whatsapp +34 658213100

Or enter the site with all the details of the past course:

-Every Tuesday and Thursday there is the possibility to practice together, online live; or with the videos that I record, every week.

See the link below for more info, or contact us on whatsapp +34 658213100

May we all find Divine Peace in our hearts, live our most elevate, truest and most authentic purpose in accordance with the highest ideals, and may we all indulge in creativity and Divine Grace – with ever-deeper compassion and love; helping to leave the world a little better than we found it…

These are my heartfelt Christmas wishes.

Love and Light,
Jay Guru Jay
Jay Ma
Raquel Bhavani

“Those who seek wealth for themselves alone are destined to become poor or suffer from mental disharmony; but those who consider the whole world as their family and are truly concerned with the welfare of a collective or the world, and earnestly devote themselves to helping others, obtain the personal prosperity that is rightfully theirs. This is an infallible and secret law.”

— Where the Light Shines, Yogananda

Newsletter PREMA NOV24-Capa Newsletter NOV24

Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered in mud? (Newsletter November 2024)

Dear friends, 
Namaste – my soul bows and acknowledges each and every one of you, bright souls.
I hope you are well and at peace…

I wanted to delve deeper into a phrase by Master Yogananda who says:

“Is a diamond less valuable because it is covered in mud?”

This Great spiritual Master explains to us in a simple way what the practice of yoga means: to remove the mud, so we can reflect with totality the pure crystalline diamond what we are in the essence… Through the meditative practices and lifestyle in yoga we can realize that we are a wave in the Infinite cosmic Sea. We do it “just” by removing the veil of ignorance and thus revealing the Divine within us. 

To enter into total connection and self-realization, remembering “Who we are” we need a spiritual practice…. It is important to clarify that those who want to remain in the illusion or Cosmic dream of “Maya” do not need yoga practices or meditations… But, those who want to awaken from this “Matrix”; yes, they need it. This statement has nothing to do with belief and I don’t say this “lightly”… But, it is simply scientific: just as there is a need for study and practice to become an excellent musician; there are technologies for this special purpose of realizing the Divine Self within us.

It is certainly also true that, in essence, we are all perfect and children of the Divine Self; the “only” thing we need to do is to remove the subconscious garbage and remind ourselves of this Truth. But to remind us (and Patanjali, the great codifier of yoga, uses exactly this term: “smirit”, the memory of the Self); there are energetic psychophysical exercises that were channeled thousands of years ago by the Rishis, great enlightened sages, and which today we know as “yoga“. These practices, scientifically, keep the body/mind healthy and lead us to immerse ourselves in the Self. Ps: It is important to note that there are also practices of other cultures and traditions that are not called “yoga” but which in the deepest meaning, these also lead us to “yoga” or, internally realizing the union in one’s Divine Self.

Without spiritual practices, this Self remains obscured by the mind and external distractions, like a diamond  in the mud. We must therefore remove the mud: this is the work of yoga practice 

To complement and help in the process of spiritual awakening, beyond the practices, it is also indicated to harmonize with internal and external nature; practicing non-violence and compassion…: even a simple conscious walk in nature can support our Divine purpose; the observation or creation of a significant painting or art; the look of a small child; sincere affection; a swim in the sea or in a waterfall; immersing yourself in the forest or in the ocean or breathing from the top of a mountain, taking care of plants and animals, listening to and/or creating inspiring music, reading and writing a profound book of poetry, contemplating a sunset and a dawn: all this can complete our connection in the Self’.

At the same time, let’s also remember that there may be people who live in nature but who are disconnected and others, in big cities, who are more aware and awake…

In other words: nothing replaces meditation practice…

“Banat, banat, banat Banjai” – “Practice, practice, practice and one day it will be done…” , says Lahiri Mahasaya…

It is true that we must not even be dissatisfied with who we are: it is important, while we are on the path, to develop unconditional love for everyone, including ourselves and to accept ourselves as we are… However, this does not mean doing it indulgently ; it doesn’t mean that Divine self-realization doesn’t need any internal work to be done… 

Self-realization (in Yoga) is an art and a balance: between self-acceptance, letting go; together with a meticulous and profound investigation; so we can transform ourselves and enter into true knowledge of the soul through deep and superconscious meditation (or turyia): observing the small wave of the small self in the immense Ocean that We Are.

– I therefore look forward to seeing you this end of the year (and during the year) for yoga practices and online meditations

In this link the new hours:

– There will also be two online workshops before the end of the year, with theories and practices (anatomy, subtle body, philosophy, pranayama, mantra, hatha, vinyasa, kundalini and Kriya Yoga meditation). For more info and detailed program, contact me privately on whatsapp +34 658213100

Here are the next dates of the in-depth studies during the weekends:

– 23 and 24 November 

– 14 and 15 December.

And, on December 15th from 6.30pm to 7.30pm there will be a Christmas meditation on zoom  

– To participate, contact me privately on WhatsApp +34 658213100 and I will send you the zoom link. 

*This meeting is free of charge for the cause you freely choose.

Soon I will send you the complete 2025 calendar which this year is very rich and very creative.

There will be a 5-module course called “Kriya Yoga, awakening in the Light”; retreats and special workshops in Italy and Tenerife… And, I am also preparing the new dates of the next 250-hour “Prema Kriya Yoga teacher training”, in Italian and English, with an international yoga alliance diploma… 

If you want the info in advance, write to me privately: +34 658213100

A beautiful November everyone, 

Good practices beautiful souls  

With love, Prema
Jay Gurudeva 
Raquel Bhavani

Inspiration from Master Yogananda:

“As you are… so is the world…

“Who am I?” A young man asked a spiritual master.

 “I’ll tell you a little story,” replied the master.

One day, on a city wall near sunset, two people were embracing each other on the horizon.

 “It’s a dad and a mom” thought an innocent little girl.

“They are two lovers,” thought a man with a clouded heart.

 “They are two friends who meet after many years”, thought a man.

 “These are two merchants who got a good deal,” thought one businessman.

 “It’s a father embracing a son who has returned from war”, thought a woman of tender soul.

 “It’s a daughter hugging a father who has returned from a trip,” thought a man saddened by his daughter’s death.

 “They are two lovers”, thought a girl who dreamed of love

 “These are two men fighting to the death,” thought one assassin.

 “Why are they hugging…?” thought a dry man.

 “How beautiful to see two people holding each other” thought a man of God.

 “Every thought,” concluded the master, “reveals to yourself what you are.”

 “Examine your thoughts often: they can tell you more about yourself than any teacher”

☆ (Paramahansa Yogananda)